
  • FREE Hot dog Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    Hot Dog Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 49 KB,  68 KB (outlined version)
    Dimensions: 1001 by 1000 pixels
    Background: transparent
    Available Downloads:

    Please select at least 1 checkbox

    (Downloads - 52)

  • FREE Firework Rocket Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    Firework Rocket Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 13 KB, 16 KB (outlined version)
    Dimensions: 1000 by 1000 pixels
    Background: transparent


    Available Downloads:

    Please select at least 1 checkbox

    (Downloads - 87)

  • FREE Uncle Sam Hat Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    Uncle Sam Hat Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 28 KB, 39 KB (outlined version)
    Dimensions: 1000 by 1000 pixels
    Background: transparent
    Available Downloads:

    Please select at least 1 checkbox

    (Downloads - 21)

  • FREE Fourth of July Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    Fourth of July Illustration

    Dimensions: 1000 by 1001 pixels
    File type: image/png
    File size: 105 KB
    Background: transparent
    Use this one if you are planning to edit.
    Dimensions: 1201 by 629 pixels
    File type: image/png
    File size: 94 KB
    Good size for website and blog featured images.
    Dimensions: 1200 by 1200 pixels
    File type: image/png
    File size: 145 KB
    Good size for social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn
    Available Downloads:

    Please select at least 1 checkbox

    (Downloads - 34)

  • Barbecue Spatula Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 6 KB,  8KB (outlined version)
    Dimensions: 1000 by 1000 pixels
    Background: transparent
    Available Downloads:

    Please select at least 1 checkbox

    (Downloads - 23)

  • FREE Barbecue Fork Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    Barbecue Fork Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 5 KB,  6KB (outlined version)
    Dimensions: 1000 by 1000 pixels
    Background: transparent


    Available Downloads:

    Please select at least 1 checkbox

    (Downloads - 23)

  • FREE Barbecue Grill on Fire Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    Barbecue Grill on Fire Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 28 KB, 19 KB (outlined version)
    Dimensions: 1000 by 1000 pixels
    Background: transparent
    Available Downloads:

    Please select at least 1 checkbox

    (Downloads - 159)

  • FREE Barbecue Grill and smoke Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    Barbecue Grill and smoke Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 23 KB,  16 KB (outlined version)
    Dimensions: 1000 by 1000 pixels
    Background: transparent


    Available Downloads:

    Please select at least 1 checkbox

    (Downloads - 82)

  • FREE Barbecue Grill Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    Barbecue Grill Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 14 KB,  17 KB (outlined version)
    Dimensions: 1000 by 1000 pixels
    Background: transparent


    Available Downloads:

    Please select at least 1 checkbox

    (Downloads - 16)

  • FREE US Flag Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    US Flag Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 28 KB
    Dimensions: 1000 by 1000 pixels
    Background: transparent

    (Downloads - 421)

  • Free American Flag Star Clipart WM | Pearly Arts | Royalty-free, 1000 by 1000, PNG, transparent background

    American Flag Star Clipart

    File type: image/png
    File size: 31 KB
    Dimensions: 1001 by 1001 pixels
    Background: transparent

    (Downloads - 130)

**Pearly Arts offer clipart free for private and commercial use. It is royalty-free and attribution is not required. I appreciate it if you add it though. Please don’t sell or redistribute our clipart.  For more detail, please visit the License page. is supported by users like you. We sometimes earn affiliate links when you click through the affiliate links on our website.